Western Australia, 6009.
Purpose and appropriate sample typesThis 19-parameter, 18-colour flow cytometry panel was designed and optimised to enable the comprehensive and simultaneous immunophenotyping of distinct T-cell and B-cell subsets within murine lymphoid tissues (Table 1). Cellular populations identified by employing this OMIP include 4 major subsets of B-cells (memory, activated, plasma cells and plasmablasts) and 7 major subsets of CD4 + T-cells (naïve, central memory, effector memory, helper, regulatory, follicular helper and follicular regulatory). Staining was performed on freshly isolated splenocytes from 21-day-old neonatal BALB/c mice, however due to the omission of mouse strain-specific markers, this OMIP can be implemented across a range of murine models where in-depth immunophenotyping of the diverse repertoire of T-cell and B-cell populations localised within lymphoid tissues is required.