Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have excellent
stability but have adverse environmental impacts of concern. Furthermore,
bioaccumulation of PFAS in rice varietieswhich is the essential
staple food crop in Asiahas not been verified. Therefore,
we cultivated Indica (Kasalath) and Japonica rice (Koshihikari) in
the same Andosol (volcanic ash soil) paddy field and analyzed the
air, rainwater, irrigated water, soil, and rice plants for 32 PFAS
residues, throughout the cultivation to human consumption. During
the rice cultivation period, the cultivation environment in atmospheric
particulate matter (PM) constituted perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids
(PFCAs), with minimal perfluorinated sulfonic acids (PFSAs). Furthermore,
perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) migrates at a PM > 10 to drop
in a cultivation field and was conducive to leakage and accumulation
of PFCAs in air particles in the field environment. Moreover, precipitation
was a sources of irrigation water contamination, and cultivated soil
with a high carbon content could capture PFSAs and PFCAs (over C10). There were no major differences in residual PFAS trends
in the rice varieties, but the distribution of PFAS in the growing
soil, air, and rainwater differed. The edible white rice part was
mainly affected by irrigation water in both varieties. Monte Carlo
simulations of daily exposure assessments of PFOS, PFOA, and perfluorononanic
acid showed similar results for Indians consuming Indica rice and
Japanese consuming Japonica rice. The results indicate that the ultratrace
PFAS residue concentrations and their daily exposure were not cultivar-specific.