We investigated unusual low temperature transport properties of InSb single crystals doped with manganese to concentrations in the range of 1017<NMn<2*1017cm-3 which includes the critical concentration for metal-insulator transition Ncr= 2*1017cm-3. It was found that in the temperature range T=10÷1.5K the resisitivity had an unusual behavior described by an exponential quadratic function ρ ∼ exp(Δ1/kT)2 where Δ1 varied from Δ1=0.3meV to Δ1=0. Coexistence of electrons and holes at temperatures around the metal-insulator transition in p-InSb(Mn) crystals gives the ground to explain the unusual temperature - resistivity dependence in the framework of excitonic insulator phase model (L. V. Keldysh and Yu. V. Kopaev, Sov. Phys. Solid State 6, 2219 (1965))