Our group "ASACUSA MUSASHI" has established an efficient way for accumulating antiprotons and extracting them as intense ultra-slow mono-energetic beams at the CERN-AD facility. This novel beam opens new frontiers for investigating a variety of physics. For realizingH spectroscopy and the test for charge-paritytime symmetry, we have also developed the cusp trap, a combination of an antiHelmholz superconducting coil and a multi-ring electrode trap, for trapping both antiprotons and positrons and then synthesizing antihydrogens. Recently, the cusp trap was practically used to accumulate antiprotons. The last piece for synthesizing antihydrogens in the cusp trap is the positron accumulator. We have developed a compact system to effectively accumulate positrons based on N 2 gas-buffer scheme with a specially designed high precision cylindrical multi-ring electrode trap. The recent progress of the developing work is an important milestone for upcoming antihydrogen science of ASACUSA MUSASHI.