Two species of particles in a binary granular system typically do not have the same mean kinetic energy, in contrast to the equipartition of energy required in equilibrium. We investigate the role of the heating mechanism in determining the extent of non-equipartition of kinetic energy. In most experiments, different species are unequally heated at the boundaries. We show by event-driven simulations that differential boundary heating affects non-equipartition even in the bulk of the system. This conclusion is fortified by studying numerical and solvable stochastic models without spatial degrees of freedom. In both cases, even in the limit where heating events are rare compared to collisions, the effect of the heating mechanism persists.An issue of broad generality for nonequilibrium physics is the assignment of intensive temperature variables to steady states of driven systems. A widely-studied example of practical importance is a dilute system of macroscopic grains. A granular gas of this kind is different from an equilibrium gas in that a continuous supply of energy from an external source is necessary to maintain a steady state and balance dissipation due to inelastic collisions between particles. The energy source determines typical scales of the dynamics in the system, but is presumed not to affect the microscopic constitutive laws such as the equation of state or expressions for transport coefficients [1]. In this Letter we study an externally fluidised granular gas and find that the details of the energising mechanism affect relations between intensive quantities even in the bulk of the system.In a typical real-world situation, energy is delivered at the boundaries of a granular system by vibration, shear or other mechanical means. In equilibrium, a gas placed in contact with a heat bath acquires a uniform temperature and density. However, in the case of a granular system, there are gradients in density and particle motions as a function of distance from the energizing boundary. For dilute gases of inelastic particles there has been considerable progress [2]in describing this inhomogeneous steady state in terms of density and"temperature" fields, where the temperature is a purely kinetic construct, defined as the mean kinetic energy per degree of freedom, by analogy to kinetic theory of a molecular gas.An important conceptual tool in validating the use of nonequilibrium temperatures involves thermal contact between systems [3,4]. One can ask whether a candidate definition for the temperature governs the direction of energy flow and whether the temperatures equalise or evolve to bear a fixed relationship. In this spirit, we consider a granular system with two species of particles. There is no requirement that the species acquire the same kinetic temperature; indeed, experiments [5,6,7] document a violation of equipartition. It is observed that two species a and b acquire temperatures whose ratio γ ≡ T a /T b is affected strongly by the ratio of particle masses, m a /m b , and weakly by their inelasticity. ...