Transport medicine (TM) is a Pediatric Hospital Medicine (PHM) Core Competency and part of the proposed PHM fellowship curricular framework. No published TM curricula are available. This cross-sectional study was designed to determine attitudes toward TM training among PHM fellowship stakeholders and conduct a TM curriculum needs assessment. Unique, web-based, anonymous surveys for PHM fellows, graduates, and program directors (PDs) were administered, with response rates of 57%, 37%, and 44%, respectively. Fellows' interest in completing a TM rotation is greater than their perceived interest by PDs (P = .06). Graduates who completed a TM rotation were more likely to recommend a TM rotation than those who did not (P = .001). Perceived barriers included lack of a formal TM curriculum and time constraints. Stabilizing patients and triage of referrals were deemed important learning objectives, and active learning strategies were prioritized. Curriculum design should focus on topics specific to the transport process and environment.