Recently developed differential plating media permit the distinction of four cell types in incompletely protoplasted populations: intact, osmotically insensitive bacilli; osmotically sensitive rods; spheres with adherent wall residues, called quasi spheroplasts; and protoplasts. Such population mixtures were washed free of lysozyme, and then transforming deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was added. Transformation was nil in the protoplasts, very low in the residual osmotically insensitive bacilli, and markedly enhanced in both osmotically sensitive rods and quasi spheroplasts. Transformation in the latter two population fractions was reduced, respectively, by about 60% and about 80% by deoxyribonuclease treatment. DNA adhering to the quasi spheroplasts transforms these cells only if they are permitted to resume wall synthesis; when the same cells are plated on a medium where they shed 42