The influence of cycloleucine on kinetic parameters of uptake of L-alanine, L-proline and L-leucine into cultured human fibroblasts was examined under initial-rate conditions with substrate concentrations of 0.05-10 mM and 5 mM-cycloleucine. Kinetic data obtained by computer analysis showed that, in the absence of cycloleucine, cell uptake was heterogeneous for each amino acid. L-Alanine and L-leucine entered by two transport systems with different affinities; L-proline was taken up by one saturable transport system plus a diffusion-like process. This heterogeneity disappeared in the presence of cycloleucine, since the high-affinity systems were no longer detectable. The remaining process had the same kinetic constants as the low-affinity system for alanine and leucine and a KD similar to the diffusion constant for proline. The influence of cycloleucine on the amino acid uptake was not specific either to the amino acid concerned or to a particular transport system, since the three neutral amino acid-transport systems, A, ASC and L, were involved in these experiments. This influence was shown to be unaffected by the absence of Na+ (for leucine uptake). ATP content of the cells was identical in the presence or in the absence of cycloleucine.