We propose an analytical procedure to fully solve a two-level system coupled to phonons. Instead of using the common formulation in terms of linear and quadratic system-phonon couplings, we introduce different phonons depending on the system electronic level. We use this approach to recover known results for the linear-coupling limit in a simple way. More importantly, we derive results for the quadratic coupling induced by a phonon frequency change, a problem considered up to now as not analytically solvable.Coupling between a system and its environment is of primordial importance in science and emerging technologies, but its description at the microscopic level is extremely complicated [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. Any consistent study of a quantum system calls for an open description which includes the large, often poorly known environment that interacts with it.A paradigmatic example of open systems is the 'spinboson' model [2,8], that describes a two-level system coupled to a vibrational environment. In its simpler version, known as the 'independent boson' model [9], the system excited level is suddenly populated or depopulated through its coupling to a photon field. While very simple, this model is not trivial and already allows studying a variety of phenomena that include spectral lineshapes [9], electron transfer [10,11], electron-phonon interaction in quantum dots [12,13], and quantum control [1,[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. The independent boson model fundamentally deals with the consequences of electronic excitations that induce a spatial shift in the vibrational modes [23][24][25], and in some materials like aromatic hydrocarbons, a frequency change [26][27][28][29][30][31][32]. Instead of using the physically relevant phonons that depend on the occupied level of the electronic system, i.e. a diagonal representation, the common approach to this problem resorts to only using ground-phonons-the vibrations physically relevant when the system is in its ground level-even when the system is in its excited level. This off-diagonal representation gives rise to a linear coupling associated with the atom (or molecule) spatial shift and a quadratic coupling associated with the phonon frequency change. These couplings are then commonly eliminated using a polaron transformation [9].Since then and until now, a plethora of studies follows this polaron procedure to address a diversity of problems, including 'open systems', which presently is a very active field.Although the polaron transformation can formally eliminate both linear and quadratic couplings, it involves calculations so tedious that to date, analytical results have been found for the linear limit only. This representation leads to the idea that after its sudden exci-tation, the electronic system is dressed by a cloud of ground-phonons-whereas our treatment suggests to interpret the vibrations as dependent on the system excitation. Approaches relying on cumulant expansion and diagrammatic Green's functions have also been used to study the broadening of th...