We discuss the strong spin segregation in a dilute trapped Fermi gas recently observed by Du et al. with "anomalous" large time scale and amplitude. In a collisionless regime, the atoms oscillate rapidly in the trap and average the inhomogeneous external field in an energy dependent way, which controls their transverse spin precession frequency. During interactions between atoms with different spin directions, the identical spin rotation effect (ISRE) transfers atoms to the up or down spin state, depending on their motional energy. Since low energy atoms are closer to the center of the trap than high energy atoms, the final outcome is a strong correlation between spins and positions.
PACS numbers:Spin waves in dilute gases were predicted at the beginning of the eighties [1, 2] and confirmed experimentally soon after [3,4,5]. They can be understood in two equivalent ways, either as a consequence of spin mean field [1], or in more microscopic terms as the cumulative result of the identical spin rotation effect (ISRE) -an effect taking place during binary collisions between identical atoms [2]. Similarly, the Faraday effect is a rotation of the spin of photons that can be seen, either as a consequence of a macroscopic index of refraction, or as resulting from the accumulation of microscopic forward scattering events between photons and atoms.Experiments with ultracold atomic gases have renewed the interest in spin waves. In 2002, a group at JILA [6] showed that, in an trapped ultracold atomic gas of bosons, the ISRE can result in a spontaneous spatial "segregation" of two atomic internal states |1 and |2 (equivalent to a pseudo-spin 1/2). Several groups then proposed a theoretical explanation of these observations, using either one-dimensional spin 1/2 hydrodynamic [7] or kinetic [8,9] equations. More recently, Du et al. from Duke University [10] did an experiment that explores the properties of spin waves in quantum gases of fermions ( 6 Li) in the collisionless Knudsen regime, while most previous experiments were performed in the hydrodynamic regime (see nevertheless [11]). The spin segregation they observe is a hundred times larger and a hundred times slower than would be predicted by hydrodynamic theory. They call this spectacular effect "anomalous spin segregation" and suggest that its explanation may require "a modification of spin wave theory or possibly a new mechanism" for fermions.The purpose of this letter is twofold. First we argue that no modification of spin wave theory is necessary to understand the experiment; the physical mechanism behind the observations is the usual ISRE. The difference between bosons and fermions is not essential; what is important is the collisionless regime. Second, we discuss why this collisionless regime, combined with the presence of a trap, gives access to unexpected and interesting new physics. In fact, one can observe the ISRE almost as in an ideal experiment, where a single spin polarized atom is sent through a target of a gas polarized in another direction, and where t...