Seemingly contradicting results raised a debate over the ability of DNA to transport charge and the nature of the conduction mechanisms through it. We developed an experimental approach for measuring current through DNA molecules, chemically connected on both ends to a metal substrate and to a gold nanoparticle, by using a conductive atomic force microscope. Many samples could be made because of the experimental approach adopted here, which enabled us to obtain reproducible results with various samples, conditions, and measurement methods. We present multileveled evidence for charge transport through 26-bp-long dsDNA of a complex sequence, characterized by S-shaped current-voltage curves that show currents >220 nA at 2 V. This significant observation implies that a coherent or band transport mechanism takes over for bias potentials leading to high currents (>1 nA). molecular electronics ͉ scanning probe microscopy ͉ nanoelectronics E xperimental observations that seemed to be in dissonance raised a debate over the ability of DNA to transport charge and the nature of the conduction mechanisms through it (1-13). These conf licts stem from the variety of measurement approaches, sample preparations, experimental setups, and environmental conditions. The main factors that were difficult to control in those experiments were the interaction of DNA with the substrate (1, 13) and the contacts between the molecules and the electrodes (1,14). Inspired by Cui et al. (14) and Xu et al. (15), we devised an experimental approach that overcomes these difficulties (16). Current passing through the dsDNA molecules is measured by using a metal-covered atomic force microscope (AFM) tip, while the molecules are chemically connected to a metal substrate at one end and to a gold nanoparticle (GNP) at the opposite end. Here we present multileveled evidence for charge transport through dsDNA molecules of a complex sequence, 26 bp long, characterized by S-shaped current-voltage (I-V) curves in which we measured currents Ͼ220 nA at 2 V. This significant observation is supported by topography-current maps, comparative I-V measurements, and 3D-mode (17) and currentstretching experiments. It implies that some coherent or band transport mechanism takes over for the higher currents (18).
Methods and TechniquesIn the present study, ssDNA molecules (5Ј-CAT TAA TGC TAT GCA GAA AAT CTT AG-3Ј-C 3 H 6 -SH) are connected via a propyl-thiol end group to a gold surface, forming a packed monolayer. Complementary strands are connected via thiol groups to a 10-nm GNP. One or a few of them are then hybridized with the single strands that had been adsorbed on the surface to form a dsDNA molecule(s) connecting the GNP and the surface.Full details of the sample preparation were reported recently (16). Brief ly, the 3Ј-thiolated ssDNA is maintained protected in its oxidized form, (CH 2 ) 3 -S-S-(CH 2 ) 3 -OH, until usage. Before adsorption on the gold surface or on the GNP, the protecting group is removed by reduction with Tris(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine. The...