The recently discovered 12442-type ACa2Fe4As4F2 (A = K, Rb, Cs) compounds are the only iron-based superconductors (IBSs) with double FeAs layers between neighboring insulating layers, analogous to the double CuO2 layers in some high-T
c cuprates. Here, we report the study of vortex phase diagram of RbCa2Fe4As4F2 single crystal via magneto-transport and magnetization measurements. The resistive transition under magnetic fields shows a foot-like kink at a characteristic temperature, T
s, followed by a resistive tail in nearly zero resistivity region. Such behavior is ascribed to a vortex slush transition at T
s, below which the vortex state has short-range vortex lattice correlation, and then a second-order transition into the vortex glass phase occurs with further decreasing temperature. Above T
s, the Arrhenius plot of resistivity shows two linear regions that are separated by a crossover line T
cr(B), which is associated with a crossover from collective to plastic pinning or different flux pinning behaviors resulted from different types of defect. In addition, the magnetic hysteresis loops reveal a second magnetization peak (SMP), which is shifted to lower fields with increasing temperature for T< 12 K. However, the SMP unexpectedly moves back to a higher field at T= 12 K, and then gradually turns into a shoulder or kink that moves to higher fields at high temperatures, such anomalous behavior has never been observed in IBSs. According to the magneto-transport and magnetization data, the vortex phase diagram of RbCa2Fe4As4F2 is finally constructed. Details on the different vortex phase transitions and relevant physical scenarios are given and discussed.