List of Figures1.1 Ortelius's historical map of the Indian Ocean, with sea snakes off the coast of India 1.2 The production of historical space 1.3 Viewshed of selected features near Berenike, Egypt 1.4 Sea-to-land visibility in the Red Sea 1.5 Ras Fartak/Cape Syagros, viewed from the west 1.6 Ras Filuk/Cape Elephant, viewed from the west 1.7 Map of the Aksumite kingdom; Red Sea coast to the left 1.8 South India with the temple at Muziris 2.1 Sea routes connecting the Islamic Middle East and China described by Ibn Khurradādhbih and Jia Dan 2.2 A prototype of Balkhī School world maps (10th century) 2.3 The five great seas described by Zhou Qufei, Lingwai daida ([1178] 1999) 2.4 Map in Zhi Pan, Fozu tongji (1265-1270, 255) 2.5 The Eastern Ocean/junk zone and the Western Ocean/dhow zone 4.1 Scale models ships 4.2 Map of excavated ships in the Southeast Asian waters