We report the formation of deletions and inversions by intramolecular transposition of Tn5-derived mobile elements. The synthetic transposons used contained the ISSO 0 and I end segments and the transposase gene, a contraselectable gene encoding sucrose sensitivity (sacB), antibiotic resistance genes, and a plasmid replication origin. Both deletions and inversions were associated with loss of a 300-bp segment that is designated the vector because it is outside of the transposon. Deletions were severalfold more frequent than inversions, perhaps reflecting constraints on DNA twisting or abortive transposition. Restriction and DNA sequence analyses showed that both types of rearrangements extended from one transposon end to many different sites in target DNA. In the case of inversions, transposition generated 9-bp direct repeats of target sequences.Transposable elements are a diverse group of specialized DNA segments that move to new sites in a genome without need for extensive sequence homology. They cause insertion mutations and rearrangements, alter the expression of nearby genes, are found in both procaryotes and eucaryotes, and are valuable as tools for molecular genetics (7).TnS is one of the most intensively studied and widely used of the bacterial transposons. It is a composite element, consisting of terminal inverted repeats of the insertion sequence IS50 and genes for resistance to several antibiotics (6). Transposition is mediated by the cis-acting transposase protein (encoded in IS50), along with host factors. Segments of about 19 bp at each end of IS50 and of Tn5 are essential for transposition (15,27). Tn5 can insert into dozens of sites in any typical gene, a few of which may be used preferentially (hot spots) (8,18). This pattern of relatively low target specificity contributes to the value of TnS as a research tool (2, 3). Early studies showed that the movement of Tn5 and IS50 between DNA molecules generates simple insertions (4, 5), not the cointegrates that are the hallmark of replicative transposition (28), and led to a model in which transposition occurs by a conservative cut-and-paste mechanism (4-6, 22). Several other elements are now also known to undergo conservative transposition (9,16,21), and the present experiments lend support to the nonreplicative transposition model for TnS.Most previous studies of Tn5 transposition have involved movement between different molecules (intermolecular transposition), but insertion into sites within the same molecule (intramolecular transposition) should also occur. Deletion and inversion products are expected in the case of transposition to a site within the element itself: the resultant circular molecules should consist solely of transposon sequences (Fig. 1). A linear fragment, designated the vector because it is outside the transposon, should also be formed and then lost (4-6). Rearranged DNA molecules that were probably products of intramolecular conservative TnS (IS50) transposition were obtained from complex X-IS50-pBR322-* Corresponding author. t...