OBJECTIVE:To examine the impact of maternal obesity on the rate of suboptimal ultrasound visualization (SUV) of fetal anatomy and determine the optimal timing of prenatal ultrasound examination for the obese gravida. METHODS: A computerized ultrasound database was used to identify ultrasound examinations for singleton gestations performed between 14 0/7 and 23 6/7 weeks at a tertiary care, university-based hospital. Patients were divided into four groups and categorized based on body mass index (BMI): nonobese (BMI o30 kg/m 2 ), class I obesity (30rBMIo35 kg/m 2 ), class II obesity (35rBMIo40 kg/m 2 ), and extreme obesity (BMI Z40 kg/m 2 ). The rates of SUV for fetal cardiac and craniospinal structures were calculated for each group and compared. RESULTS: A total of 11 019 pregnancies were studied, of which 38.6% of the patients were obese. Overall, the rate of SUV of the fetal structures was higher for obese compared to nonobese women for both cardiac (37. With increasing gestational age at examination, the rate of SUV decreased for both obese and nonobese women. However, for obese women there was minimal improvement in visualization after 18-20 weeks. Even after adjustment for gestational age and the type of ultrasound machine, obese women (class I, class II, and extreme obesity) were still associated with increased odds for SUV of the fetal cardiac and craniospinal structures compared to nonobese women. CONCLUSION: Maternal obesity increases the rate of SUV for the fetal cardiac structures by 49.8% and for the craniospinal structures by 31%. The optimal gestational age for visualization of fetal cardiac and craniospinal anatomy in obese patients may be after 18-20 weeks.