We investigate i.i.d. random complex dynamical systems generated by probability measures on finite unions of the loci of holomorphic families of rational maps on the Riemann sphere Ĉ. We show that under certain conditions on the families, for a generic system, (especially, for a generic random polynomial dynamical system,) for all but countably many initial values z ∈ Ĉ, for almost every sequence of maps γ = (γ1, γ2, . . .), the Lyapunov exponent of γ at z is negative. Also, we show that for a generic system, for every initial value z ∈ Ĉ, the orbit of the Dirac measure at z under the iteration of the dual map of the transition operator tends to a periodic cycle of measures in the space of probability measures on Ĉ. Note that these are new phenomena in random complex dynamics which cannot hold in deterministic complex dynamical systems. We apply the above theory and results of random complex dynamical systems to finding roots of any polynomial by random relaxed Newton's methods and we show that for any polynomial g, for any initial value z ∈ C which is not a root of g ′ , the random orbit starting with z tends to a root of g almost surely, which is the virtue of the effect of randomness.