Optical pumping of atomic vapors can lead to self-focusing of resonant laser beams. The saturation of the optical pumping process at low intensity allows the study of transverse solitons in the form of selftrapped laser beams, using low-power cw lasers. The long lifetime of the optically pumped atoms allows the atomic diffusion to transport the excitation away from the interaction region. Numerical simulations show that the resulting nonlocal response of the medium represents an important mechanism that stabilizes the self-trapped beam. The theoretical predictions are confirmed by experimental results from sodium vapor. PACS number(s): 42.65.Jx, 42.5O.Rh Self-focusing of laser beams in nonlinear optical media [1][2][3] is one of the best examples of spontaneous formation of (spatially) localized structures due to nonlinear processes. Self-focusing occurs if the total index of refraction increases with the laser intensity, as in many Kerr media. Laser beams with Gaussian intensity profiles then induce a refractive index profile, which has the same effect as a convex lens, thereby counteracting the normal effect of diffraction. When the two effects cancel each other, the beam can propagate without diffraction; it is then said to be self-trapped [4,5]. Since both the Kerr effect leading to self-focusing and the opposing tendency of light to diffract are indirectly proportional to the cross-sectional area of the beam, the selftrapped state is unstable in ideal three-dimensional Kerr media [3,6]. If the laser intensity is below a critical intensity that depends on the nonlinearity of the medium, the beam diffracts as usual. Above the critical intensity, the beam self-focuses to an area of the dimension of the optical wavelength [7], unless damage to the material stops the process [2]. At the critical intensity, the beam can propagate without diffracting, but arbitrarily small perturbations cause it to fall into either of the two other regimes. In two-dimensional systems, such as planar waveguides, self-trapped beams can be stable and lead to nondiffracting beams [8-l0]. In analogy to other stable, localized solutions of nonlinear wave equations, such self-trapped beams have been called "spatial solitary waves" or "transverse solitons." While Derrick's theorem [6] precludes the existence of stable, time-independent solutions of nonlinear wave equations that are localized in more than one spatial dimension, it is well known [3] that laser beams can be self-trapped in three-dimensional media, when the index of refraction does not increase indefinitely with intensity, but saturates before the material suffers laser-induced damage. In such a medium, the laser beams can become localized in the two transverse dimensions. In general, its diameter is not time independent, but shows characteristic oscillations that reflect the competing effects of selffocusing and diffraction [3, 1 1,12]. This saturation effect had already been proposed as the relevant mechanism for the formation of the small-scale filaments that tend to form ...