Abstract. The transverse (saturated) Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of foliations, introduced by the first author, is an invariant of foliated homotopy type with values in {1, 2, . . . , ∞}. A foliation with all leaves compact and Hausdorff leaf space M/F is called compact Hausdorff. The transverse saturated category cat ∩ | M of a compact Hausdorff foliation is always finite.In this paper we study the transverse category of compact Hausdorff foliations. Our main result provides upper and lower bounds on the transverse category cat ∩ | (M ) in terms of the geometry of F and the Epstein filtration of the exceptional set E. The exceptional set is the closed saturated foliated space which is the union of the leaves with non-trivial holonomy. We prove thatWe give examples to show that both the upper and lower bounds are realized, so the estimate is sharp. We also construct a family of examples for which the transverse category for a compact Hausdorff foliation can be arbitrarily large, though the category of the leaf spaces is constant.