A bstract-A high data-rate wideband chirp spread spectrum system for indoor communications is presented. We propose the use of chirp signals with the well known pulse compression technique to make the system extremely robust and therefore suitable for applications in industrial environment. By using rI4-DQPSK modulation of the chirp signals, overlapping &irp signals, and optimized chirp signal design we achieve data rates up to 70 Mbps. There is no need for sophis-chirp-based wideband (> 50 MHz) spread spectrum system which will be shown to be insensitive against nonidealities in the implementation (e.g. frequency offset, production tolerances, nonlinearities). As a consequence a very cheap realisation is possible. In our w ork theprocessing and generation of the needed chirp signals is done by means of surface acoustic mve (SAW) devices. They are well established in toda y's wireless communication products [4] due to their high performance and low cost.
THEORYticated digital signal processing due to the use of surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters for the generation and filtering of the chirp signals. system imperfections like production tolerances, temperature drift, nonlinearities, and others are shown to be either negligible or can be easily handeled. Simulation results reveal that the limiting faccaused by multipath propagation.The presented spread spectrum communication system is based on the well known principle of pulse compression with linear chirp signals [5]. The representation of a linear chirp waveform is giwn as (1) tor for the data rate is in tersydol interference in the time f < < $ 7 where T > a (')> fo = 2, and p are the chirp duration, the envelope,the center frequency, and the chirp rate, respectively. The chirp