Abstract. Probability distributions for correlation functions of particles interacting via random-valued fields are discussed as a novel tool for determining the spectrum of a theory. In particular, this method is used to determine the energies of universal N-body clusters tied to Efimov trimers, for even N, by investigating the distribution of a correlation function of two particles at unitarity. Using numerical evidence that this distribution is log-normal, an analytical prediction for the N-dependence of the N-body binding energies is made.Probability distributions are often studied in the context of Monte Carlo calculations, where a finite set of field configurations is used to estimate the value of an observable and its associated statistical uncertainty. Previously, it has been argued that the mean and variance of the distribution can often be estimated based on physical arguments, in efforts to better understand and control the signal-to-noise ratios in statistically noisy calculations [1,2]. Therefore, it seems plausible that this argument may be turned on its head, such that knowledge of the distribution can be used to make predictions about the theory. As an example, probability distributions of correlation functions in certain cases may prove to be useful tools for calculations of the spectrum of the theory.The concept of probability distributions arises naturally in lattice calculations. As an example, I will consider a Euclidean theory of non-relativistic particles interacting via a two-particle interaction, which will be mediated on the lattice by a Hubbard-Stratonovich field, φ. The discretized action of the theory may be written S = ψ † Kψ, where,[3, 4]. Here τ denotes Euclidean time andφ p represents the Fourier transform of the Z 2 -valued auxiliary field φ. The limit of unitarity may be seen as a non-trivial UV fixed point in the β-function for the two-particle coupling, corresponding to a fine-tuning of the couplings in the lattice theory. In particular, one may define a tower of couplings which depend on powers of the momentum transfer,, up to some cutoff N O , and tune these to the unitary point, effectively removing the first N O orders of the effective range expansion for the scattering phase shift [3].In this formulation, the auxiliary fields are chosen to live along the temporal links of the lattice, so that, along with the choice of open temporal boundary conditions (valid only for zero temperature calculations), the matrix K takes on an upper tridiagonal form. One important consequence of these choices is that the determinant, det K is simply the determinant of a product of free kinetic operators, D, which is independent of φ, and therefore makes no contribution to the probability measure. a