We consider the dynamical behavior of a nanomechanical mirror in a high-quality cavity under the action of a coupling laser and a probe laser. We demonstrate the existence of the analog of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in the output field at the probe frequency. Our calculations show explicitly the origin of EIT-like dips as well as the characteristic changes in dispersion from anomalous to normal in the range where EIT dips occur. Remarkably the pump-probe response for the optomechanical system shares all the features of the Λ system as discovered by Harris and collaborators.PACS numbers: 42.50. Gy,42.50.Wk Since its original discovery in the context of atomic vapors, electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) [1][2][3] has been at the center of many important developments in optical physics [4] and has led to many different applications, most notably in the context of slow light [5][6][7] and the production of giant nonlinear effects. EIT is helping the progress towards studying nonlinear optics at the single-photon level. EIT has been reported in many other systems [8]. More recently, EIT has been discovered in meta materials [9][10][11][12] where resonant structures can be fabricated to correspond to dark and bright modes. Resonators provide certain advantages [13] because by design we can manipulate EIT to produce desired transmission properties of a structure. It would thus be especially interesting to study resonators coupled to other systems such as cavity optomechanical systems. Such nanomechanical systems have attracted considerable interest recently [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. In this letter, we demonstrate the possibility of EIT in the context of cavity optomechanics. Before discussing our model and results, we set the stage for EIT in cavity optomechanics. As in typical EIT experiments [1][2][3][4], for example, in the context of atomic vapors, we need to examine the pump-probe response of a nanomechanical oscillator of frequency ω m coupled to a high-quality cavity via radiation pressure effects [22,23] as schematically shown in Fig. 1. Thus, the cavity oscillator of frequency ω 0 and the nano-oscillator interact nonlinearly with each other. The system is driven by a strong pump field of frequency ω c . This is the coupling field. The probe field has frequency ω p and is much weaker than the pump field. The mechanical oscillator's damping is much smaller than that of the cavity oscillator. This is very important for considerations of EIT. The decay rate of the mechanical oscillator plays the same role as the decay rate of the ground-state coherence in EIT experiments. The analog of the two-photon resonance condition where EIT occurs would be ω c + ω m = ω p . We show how the absorptive and dispersive responses of the probe change by the coupling field and how EIT emerges. We present a clear physical origin of EIT in such a system.Let us denote the cavity annihilation (creation) operator by c (c † ) with the commutation relation [c, c † ] = 1.The momentum and position o...