Disorder Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is recognized as one of the pathologies of high prevalence in children and adolescents from the global environment population; this disorder generates visible symptoms usually diminish with the passage of time in adulthood, however they remain concealed by demonstrations damnifican personal stability and human development apt. This article shows the results of the research aimed at determining the prevalence of symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Young Adults University of Barranquilla and its Metropolitan Area. The sample of 1600 young adults between 18 and 25 years, which has been estimated at 95% confidence level and a margin of error of 2.44%. The information was acquired through the application of exploratory instruments symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. With the application of the algorithm different machine learning algorithms such as: Bagging, MultiBoostAB, Deci-sionStump, LogitBoost, FT, J48Graft, a high performance in the Bagging algorithm could be identified with the following results in quality metrics: Accuracy 91.67%, Precision 94.12%, Recall 88.89% and F-measure 91.43%.