Introduction: The cyst is defined as a pathological cavity with liquid, semiliquid, gaseous or solid content, lined internally by epithelium and externally covered by connective tissue. It is usually asymptomatic and most are found by radiography. Cysts in the oral and maxillofacial region can be classified as odontogenic and non-odontogenic; within them is the QR and QD. Its great growth potential leads to asymmetries, paresthesia, dental displacement and even neoplastic transformation. Objective: To determine the importance of the clinical-radiographic considerations of the residual cyst and dentigerous cyst. Development: QD and QR belong to the odontogenic type group. Likewise, the review highlights its own characteristics, clinical assessment, radiographic assessment and data that allow the differential diagnosis for each cyst. Conclusions: Both QR and QD are common conditions in the world population. Its diagnosis is often given by chance, in early stages. They have similar characteristics, but also different ones that allow them to be differentiated. The success in the diagnosis is based on the correct interpretation of the radiographic data.