Computed tomography (CT) scan was not done regularly and also not required. Inclusion criteria were:(1) Patient managed at the hospital with TDH, dislocation reduced closely and surgical intervention done for acetabular fractures or other associated injuries; (2) Information available of the patient of 1 year after a dislocation. Exclusion criteria were: Dislocation of the hip due to pathological and congenital reasons, dislocation reduced by open surgical intervention, dislocation with acetabular fractures which was operated and adequate information not available on the records of the patient. Emergency reduction done and immobilization with skin tractions for 3 weeks in the hospital done. Discharged from the hospital and advised for non-weight bearing (NWB) crutch walk for another 3 weeks advised.We analyzed the epidemiological parameters like gender, age, and nationalities for each patient. The common causes of dislocations, a pattern of dislocation and associated injuries,
IntroductIonTraumatic dislocation of the hip (TDH) is an orthopedic emergency that is commonly due to high-energy trauma and it can cause serious permanent disability. 1 Road traffic accidents (RTA) is the major cause of the TDH, and the condition is worsened when associated with the acetabular or femoral head fracture. 2,3 The incidence of hip dislocation is 5.2% and it is the most common joint to dislocate in the lower extremity. 4 Prompt recognition and early reduction with adequate stabilization is crucial for the successful functional outcome. 5 Traumatic dislocation of the hip is classified as anterior, posterior, central, and posterior dislocation is the commonest one. 6 The posterior dislocation is caused by forced adduction with internal rotation and some degree of flexion of the hip. 7 The hip dislocation with or without acetabular fracture is largely dependent on the direction of the femoral head at the time of injury and the increased flexion, adduction is more likely to cause a simple dislocation with the femoral anteversion may predispose patients to simple hip dislocations. 8 Generally, isolated hip dislocations are treated by closed reduction with immobilization. The delay in the reduction may result in avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head, post-traumatic arthritis, and ankylosis of the hip joint. 9 Irreducible dislocations, incongruent reductions, and associated fractures may require successive operative intervention. 10 This study aimed to review the common causes of traumatic hip dislocation, the demography, and the pattern of dislocations with associated fractures, injuries in a public general hospital.
MaterIals a n d MethodsThis is a descriptive retrospective observational study of cases hospitalized for traumatic hip dislocation at a public general hospital