Abstract. Recreationists are responsible for developing their own risk management plans for travelling in avalanche terrain. To help recreationists mitigate their exposure to avalanche hazard, many avalanche warning services include explicit travel and terrain advice (TTA) statements in their daily avalanche bulletins where forecasters offer guidance about what specific
terrain to avoid and what to favour under the existing conditions. However,
the use and effectiveness of this advice has never been tested to ensure it
meets the needs of recreationists developing their risk management approach
for backcountry winter travel. We conducted an online survey in Canada and the United States to determine
which user groups are paying attention to the TTA in avalanche bulletins,
what makes these statements useful, and if modifications to the phrasing of the statements would improve their usefulness for users. Our analysis
reveals that the core audience of the TTA is users with introductory-level
avalanche awareness training who integrate slope-scale terrain considerations into their avalanche safety decisions. Using a series of
proportional-odds ordinal mixed-effect models, we show that reducing the
jargon used in the advice helped users with no or only introductory-level
avalanche awareness training understand the advice significantly better and
adding an additional explanation made the advice more useful for them. These
results provide avalanche warning services with critical perspectives and
recommendations for improving their TTA so that they can better support
recreationists who are at earlier stages of developing their avalanche risk
management approach and therefore need the support the most.