A A r re ep po or rt t o on n q qu ua al li it ty y a as ss se es ss sm me en nt t, , d dy yn na am mi ic c e ex xt te en ns si io on ns s, , a an nd d m mo ob bi il le e d de ev vi ic ce e e en ng ga ag ge em me en nt t i in n t th he e G Ge eo or rg ge e M Ma as so on n U Un ni iv ve er rs si it ty y G Ge eo oc cr ro ow wd ds so ou ur rc ci in ng g T Te es st tb be ed
AbstractThis report documents the development of the George Mason University Geocrowdsourcing Testbed (GMU-GcT), whose purpose is to provide a platform for studying the dynamics, limitations, and best practices of geocrowdsourcing. We present a comprehensive study of the social moderation process in the GMU-GcT and the quality parameters of information in the GMU-GcT. We present an analysis of device-based positioning in mobile geocrowdsourcing, and use the study and our analysis as a context for dynamic application extensions of the GMU-GcT in the areas of field-based obstacle moderation, obstacle interaction, and accessible routing.