We consider the one-dimensional KPP-equation driven by space-time white noise. We show that for all parameters above the critical value for survival, there exist stochastic wavelike solutions which travel with a deterministic positive linear speed. We further give a sufficient condition on the initial condition of a solution to attain this speed. Our approach is in the spirit of corresponding results for the nearest-neighbor contact process respectively oriented percolation. Here, the main difficulty arises from the moderate size of the parameter and the long range interaction. Stopping times and averaging techniques are used to overcome this difficulty.is established in Tribe [19, Theorem 2.2]. Here, a solution to (1.1) is to be understood in the sense of a weak solution (see Notation 1.4 below). Denote with P u 0 the law of such a solution starting in u 0 ∈ C + tem . By [19, Theorem 2.2], the map f → P f on C + tem is continuous and the family of laws P f , f ∈ C + tem forms a strong Markov family. For ν ∈ P(C + tem ), the space of probability measures on C + tem , denote P ν (A) = C + tem P f (A)ν(df ). Use E u 0 respectively E ν to denote respective expectations.Let τ = inf{t ≥ 0 : u(t, ·) ≡ 0} be the extinction-time of the process. By [16, Theorem 1], there exists a critical value θ c > 0 such that for any initial condition u 0 ∈ C + c \{0} with compact support and θ < θ c , the extinction-time of u solving (1.1) is finite almost surely. For θ > θ c , survival, that is τ = ∞, happens with positive probability.The investigation of the dynamics of solutions to (1.1) is a major challenge, where the main difficulty comes from the competition term −u 2 . Without competition, the underlying additive property facilitates the use of Laplace functionals. Including competition, only subadditivity in the sense of [16, Lemma 2.1.7] respectively Kliem [14, Remark 2.For the process in (1.1) one has a self-duality relationship in the form, v(t) are independent solutions to (1.1) with initial condition u 0 respectively v 0 (cf. [14, (2.1)]). Use P(E) to denote the space of probability measures on E. In [14, Remark 2.5] this self-duality is used to prove existence of a unique upper invariant distribution µ ∈ P(C + tem ) satisfyingfor all T > 0, φ ∈ C + c . In [9, Theorem 1], Horridge and Tribe give sufficient conditions ("uniformly distributed in space") for initial conditions to be in the domain of attraction of µ. They characterize µ by the right hand side of (1.4) and show that it is the unique translation invariant stationary distribution satisfying µ({f : f ≡ 0}) = 1. The result and method of proof are in the spirit of Harris' convergence theorem for additive particle systems (cf. Durrett [5, Theorem 3.3]).Recall the construction of solutions to (1.1) from [17] by means of limits of densities of rescaled long range contact processes. When investigating solutions to the SPDE (1.1), it is only natural to anticipate and/or investigate behavior similar in spirit to the approximating systems. Indeed, [9] successfully applied...