ResumoEste estudo investigou o abuso sexual perpetrado por adultos e adolescentes em processos judiciais de natureza criminal encaminhados à 1ª e 2ª Varas da Infância e Juventude de Porto Alegre entre os anos de 2003 e 2007. Foram coletadas informações sobre abusadores, vítimas, tipos de abuso e desfecho dos processos objetivando caracterizar os abusadores e comparar o perfi l das vítimas e o tipo de abuso (intrafamiliar ou extrafamiliar). Foram encontrados 241 processos, sendo 229 elegíveis para a pesquisa. Os resultados indicaram que entre abusadores adultos predominou o abuso sexual intrafamiliar contra vítimas do sexo feminino, sendo os principais abusadores pais e padrastos das vítimas. Entre abusadores adolescentes houve predomínio do abuso sexual extrafamiliar contra vítimas do sexo masculino, especialmente vizinhos. Estes resultados sugerem que pode haver diferenças no perfi l das vítimas e no tipo de abuso perpetrado por adultos e adolescentes, hipótese que merece ser testada em estudos futuros.Palavras-chave: Abuso sexual, abusadores sexuais adultos, abusadores sexuais adolescentes.
Sexual Offender Adults and Adolescents in South of Brazil: Research with Complaints and Veredicts AbstractThis study investigated sexual abuse perpetrated by adults and teenagers in the criminal proceedings referred to the1 st and 2 nd Childhood and Youth's Courts of Porto Alegre between 2003 and 2007. The information collected for abusers, victims, types of abuse and the outcomes of processes aiming to characterize and compare the profi le of abusers and victims and the type of abuse (intrafamilial or extrafamilial). After being collected, the data were tabulated and categorized, and of the 241 cases, 229 were eligible for the study. The results indicated that among adult abusers there was a predominance of intrafamilial sexual abuse against female victims and that the main abusers were fathers and stepfathers. Among adolescents abusers, extrafamilial sexual abuse against male victims predominated, especially against neighbors. These results suggest that there may be differences in the profi le of the victims and the type of abuse perpetrated by adults and adolescents, a hypothesis that should be tested in future studies.