Introduction: Postural stability is the ability to recover the balance which was lost as a result of destabilizing factors. The balance is considered to be a key component of motor skills. The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationship between the parameters of postural stability and motor performance of people with hearing impairment.
Material and methods: The study was conducted on a group of 42 people with hearing impairment from the earliest moments of life. Their degree of hearing impairment was significant or profound. The research methods included: medical history and examination to exclude damage to the vestibule, anthropometric measurements, stabilometric measurements on AccuSway AMTI platform under stable conditions, Biodex BBS platform under stable and unstable conditions and Eurofit Test.
Results: No significant correlation between the parameters of postural stability and the majority of motor skill tests results was observed in the group of people with hearing impairment. The study revealed statistically significant correlations in both groups (women and men) between index of Fall Risk Test and the results of Flamingo test and also between the path COP with eyes open and the test results Flamingo. There were positive high correlations.
Conclusions: Balance parameters showed no association with other motor skills assessed with Eurofit test except the Flamingo test, which is used to the evaluation of the functional stability. The study indicated the need to look for other relationships between postural stability and motor performance in larger groups.