Background: In normal conditions, depression, suicidal behavior, negative automatic thoughts, and other mental and psychiatric disorders are the important problems for people. Steps should be taken by counseling services to provide good psychological-social programs and psychotherapy programs and very easy access for those people who need help.Objective: Assess the impact of War on the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and their prevalence rates in War conditions in Syria.Methodology : A descriptive cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted on 320 participants (100 MS patients and 220 students) during Wartime. These instruments (QID-2-Ar, BDI-FS-Ar, MADRS-S-Ar, ATQ-18-Ar, BDI-II, DASS-21, RSES and SWLS) were used in this study.
Result:During Wartime, prevalence rates of PsyWar Syndrome are very high due to only the War. Prevalence rates were depressive mood 61/52%, anhedonia72/69%, depression 15-79/13-63%, suicidal behavior 38/27%, anxiety 82/76%, stress 68/69%, lower self-esteem 100/96%, and dissatisfaction with life 63/31% in students and MS, respectively. In MS, 4% have moderate self-esteem. 34% students and 68% MS have satisfaction with life. MS have negative automatic thoughts (mean T-score= 51.32 vs. 50.48 for positive automatic thoughts). Mean T-score for a negative and positive automatic thought is 50.00 for students.
Conclusion:In geopolitical events, War in Syria-abnormal conditions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are very important problems for students and patients. Therefore, cognitive positive psychotherapy programs which are easily accessible based on Repeating Phrases of Positive Thoughts have been provided for some students and patients. In normal conditions, we have everything by everything in the world; but in War and/or abnormal conditions, problems increase and appear easily. Finally, this is the first study that evaluates the prevalence rates of psychological morbidity in recent geopolitical events in Syrian population with War conditions.