For nearly two decades, adaptive radiation therapy (ART) has been proposed as a method to account for changes in head and neck tumor and normal tissue to enhance therapeutic ratios. While technical advances in imaging, planning and delivery have allowed greater capacity for ART delivery, and a series of dosimetric explorations have consistently shown capacity for improvement, there remains a paucity of clinical trials demonstrating the utility of ART. Furthermore, while ad hoc implementation of head and neck ART is reported, systematic full-scale head and neck ART remains an as yet unreached reality. To some degree, this lack of scalability may be related to not only the complexity of ART, but also variability in the nomenclature and descriptions of what is encompassed by ART. Consequently, we present an overview of the history, current status, and recommendations for the future of ART, with an eye towards improving the clarity and description of head and neck ART for interested clinicians, noting practical considerations for implementation of an ART program or clinical trial. Process level considerations for ART are noted, reminding the reader that, paraphrasing Elbert Hubbard, "Art is not a thing, it is a way." "When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes a machine that makes the art."-Sol LeWitt (1) The concept of "adaptive radiation therapy" (ART) has been widely praised, serially modeled in silico, and heavily discussed, but to date, at a practical level, remains rarely implemented in vivo outside the research setting. We aim to discuss the "state of the ART" in head and neck therapy, with an emphasis on specification of the intent with which ART is performed; the terms of ART used, or a disambiguation of the nomenclature; technical