Acquired perforating dermatosis (APD) is characterized by umbilicated 1- to 10-mm-measuring papulonodules with a central adherent oystershell-like keratotic plug, typically on the dorsa of the hands, forearms and over the knees. APD is associated with systemic diseases, especially diabetes mellitus and/or renal failure. Histologically the lesions show transepidermal elimination of altered dermal components into a cup-shaped epidermal depression. We present a 69-year-old man with coexisting APD and Poland syndrome (PS), an association not yet described. PS (OMIM 173800) is a rare congenital anomaly consisting of unilateral partial or total absence of the greater pectoralis muscle and ipsilateral symbrachydactyly. Most cases of PS are sporadic as it was in our case. Our patient had, in addition, an untreated diabetic condition, hyperuricaemia, dilated cardiomyopathy and a very recent pulmonary embolism. He responded to therapy with allopurinol.