Esophageal foreign bodies lead to serious morbidity and mortality in our country and around the world. The foreign bodies are located 28 to 68% of esophagus .Generally esophageal foreign bodies are located at the as called cricopharyngeus muscle first level in 70%, the thoracic esophagus second level in 15% and the gastroesophageal junction in the remaining 15%. Sharp edged objects and coins may lodge in the first esophagus. In children in the form of deliberate or accidental ingestion. Symptoms can vary according to the shape and structure of the ingested object, type of location, and complications caused by the foreign body. Foreign bodies such as bone and coins are usually seen in cervical radiographs in the hypoharynx and cervical esophagus.Lack of visualisation at radiography does not exclude the presence of a foreign body. In treatment, foley catheter, rigid esophagoscopy and removing the foreign body with a Magill forceps, treatment methods can be used. Rigid esophagoscopy is an effective and safe procedure for foreign body diagnosis and removal. Key words: Children, esophagus foreign bodies, treatment.
ÖZETÖzefagus yabancı cisimleri ülkemizde ve dünyada ciddi morbidite ve mortalite nedenidir. Yabancı cisimlerin %28-68'i özefagusta yerleşmektedir. Özefagus yabancı cisimlerinin %70'i krikofaringeus kası denilen 1. seviyede, %15'i Torasik kısım olan 2. seviyede ve %15'i ise gastroözefagial bileşkede yerleşir. Sivri uçlu cisimler ve madeni paralar genellikle özefagusun 1 darlığında takılıp kalabilir. Özefagus yabancı cisimleri en sık çocuklarda ve bilerek veya kaza ile yutma sonucu görülür. Yutulan nesnenin şekline, yapısına, yerleşim yerine ve yabancı cismin yol açtığı komplikasyonlara bağlı olarak