Perhexiline Maleate, a new drug with the chemical name of 2(2, 2-dicyclohexylethyl) piperidine, has been recommended as a valuable drug in the management of angina pectoris. Its pharmacological actions on the heart and coronary circulation in animals have been described by Hudak et al (1970)1 and Cho et al (1970).2 Matsuo et al (1970)3 and Fiensilver et al (1970)4 studied its other pharmacological actions. The half life of this drug varies from 8 hours to many days as there is marked individual variation. Clinical trials of Perhexiline for angina have been carried out in U.S.A., Brazil and England3~ 4, 5, s, ' with promising results. This study was undertaken to evaluate this drug, specially in patients whose response to other established antianginal drugs was unsatisfactory.The double blind double cross over study as is used commonly today is highly unsatisfactory 8, 9 as can be seen by contradictory results for the same drugs by different authors. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14° 15~ 16° 1'° 18° 19 The drawbacks of double blind double cross over study are many and have been pointed out in detail elsewhere.'o It was therefore essential to modify the technique for assessment of antianginal drugs so that most of the pitfalls of the traditional method may be avoided. A modified double blind double cross over technique was therefore used to evaluate the new drug Perhexiline Maleate.MATERIAL AND METHOD 64 patients of ischaemic heart disease with intractable 21 stable angina pectoris were selected for this trial, 59 males and 5 females. Their ages ranged from 38 to 75 years (average 50). The criteria employed in making the diagnosis of angina pectoris were (a) a typical clinical history of angina pectoris with E.C.G. changes at rest or on exercise.22 (b) Relief of chest pain with glyceryl trinitrate. Those who had hypertension or congestive cardiac failure were selected only if they were well controlled.The duration of angina ranged from 6 months to 22 years (average 3 years). The patients were given a thorough clinical and laboratory check-up. They were then put on an open trial and then seen regularly at weekly or fortnightly intervals.At each visit, they reported the frequency and severity of the attacks, effort tolerance and nitroglycerine intake. All unusual symptoms or events were