Amaç: Elektrofizyoloji laboratuarımızda karpal tünel sendromu (KTS) tespit edilen olguların tedavisinde B vitamini ile tendon ve sinir germe egzersizlerinin (TSGE) klinik ve elektrofizyolojik parametreler üzerine etkisi incelendi.Yöntemler: Elektrofizyoloji laboratuarımızda KTS tanısı alan ve B vitaminisplint (Grup 1) ile TSGE-splint tedavisi uygulanan (Grup 2) olgularda tedavilerin etkinliği 3 ayın sonunda fonksiyonel durum skalası (FDS), semptom şiddet skalası (SŞS), görsel değerlendirme skalası (VAS) ve elektromiyografi (EMG) ile istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi.
Sonuç:Karpal tünel sendromu tedavisinde kullanılan B vitamini ve germe egzersizlerinin etkinliği değerlendirildiğinde olguların şikayetlerinde azalma ve klinik değerlendirmelerinde bunun göstergesi olan VAS, FDS ve SŞS' da anlamlıyken, EMG'de düzelme görülmekle birlikte istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi. Uygulanan bu tedavi yöntemleri özellikle duysal semptomların ön planda olduğu KTS tedavisinde kullanılabilir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Karpal tünel sendromu, görsel değerlendirme skalası, semptom şiddet skalası, B vitamini, tendon-sinir germe egzersizleri Objective: In our electrophysiology laboratory, in the cases diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), the effects of vitamin B and the tendon and nerve stretching exercises (TNSE) on clinical and electrophysiological parameters were analyzed.
Methods:In our electrophysiology laboratory, in the cases which were diagnosed with CTS and vitamin B-splint (Group 1) with TNSE-splint treatment (Group 2) was practiced the efficiency of the treatment was evaluated statistically with the functional situation scale (FSS) at the end of three months period, the symptom severity scale (SSS), the visual analog scale (VAS) and electromyography EMG.
Results:Of the 45 cases between the ages of 29-66 years (average: 47.86±9.74), 32 were diagnosed with bilateral, and 13 were diagnosed with unilateral CTS (n=77 hand). In the EMG 52 sensory (S), 25 sensory and motor (S+M) effectswere determined. In Group 1, there were 23 S, 13 S+M, in Group 2 there were 29 S, 12 S+M effects. After the treatment 11 cases were electrophysiologically normal, there was S in 41, and S+M in 25. Between Group 1 and Group 2, before and after the treatment, a meaningful relationship was not t observed. However, when the effects of EMG on the values of the FSS, SSS and VAS were analyzed, a meaningful improvement was observed in the measurements of FSS and VAS (p<0.05) whereas this was not observed in the measurements of SSS (p>0.05).
Conclusion:When the efficiency of vitamin B and the stretching exercises which were used in the carpal tunnel syndrome were analyzed, a decrease in the complaints of the cases and in VAS, FSS and SSS as indicators of the clinical evaluations of it was meaningful whereas in the EMG, although an improvement was seen, this was not statistically meaningful. This treatment method can be used especially in CTS treatment where sensory symptoms are at the forefront.Key Words: Carpal tunnel syndrome, the visual an...