Aims: The objective of this study was to determine the levels of fluoride in borehole water samples.
Study Design: The total of eight samples were collected from five villages in Chiradzulu and transported in cooler ice-bath to the laboratory for the analysis.
Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Laboratories, at University of Malawi in the month of June.
Methodology: The ion selective electrode technique was used to assess fluoride levels. Physicochemical water parameters were measured with multi-meters.
Results: The results obtained ranged from 2.26 to 3.08 mg/L, 136 to 561 mg/L, 261-1212 μs/cm and 6.27 to 6.97, for Fluorides, TDS, conductivity and pH, respectively. Levels of fluorides exceeded permissible limits for borehole water established by WHO and were below the standards for MBS
Conclusion: The results attained in the scope of the study support coloration of teeth observed amongst individuals in study communities, helping to understand that groundwater is not suitable for consumption. Therefore, the study provides recommendation for urgent implementation of defluoridation measures to provide clean and safe water for the existing community members.