\s=b\The region of the angle of the mandible is one of the most frequent sites of fracture in external mandibular trauma. In 14 cases of fracture through the angle region, angled dynamic compression plates inserted through an extraoral route were used to provide rigid internal fixation. This method often obviates the need for intermaxillary fixation and suggests a technically simple technique by which direct and uncompromised healing of angle fractures with good resultant occlusion can be achieved in selected cases.We outline our current technique and the indications and limitations for using angled dynamic compression plates. (Arch Otolaryngol 1983;109:403-406) The region of the angle is generally considered to be that area of the mandibular arch that is covered by the masseter muscle and is interposed between the thicker tooth-bearing mandibular body and the thinner, angled ascending ramus region.1 With the continuing incidence of automo¬ bile and especially motorcycle acci¬ dents along with the persistent frequency of interpersonal violence, fractures through the angle region continue to comprise approximately 20% of all fractures of the mandible. In the straightforward and uncompli¬ cated cases, closed reduction of the fracture fragments followed by the Accepted for publication Sept 21, 1982. From the Louis, MO 63104 (Dr V. Strelzow).application of intermaxillary fixation is the accepted therapeutic approach.However, in selected cases of unfavor¬ able fractures with greatly displaced or overlapped segments, open reduc¬ tion may be required and some form of external fixation indicated. It is in these technically more difficult cases and in special clinical situations that the use of dynamic compression osteo¬ synthesis as a primary treatment modality may be beneficial.
MATERIALS AND METHODSAt the St Louis University Medical Cen¬ ter and affiliated hospitals, 14 patients with fractures in the angle region of the mandible were treated by dynamic osteo¬ synthesis during an 18-month period (Ta¬ ble). The Osteo angled dynamic compres¬ sion plates were used along with the Synthes maxillofacial bone plating sys¬ tem.The surgical technique begins with a thorough inspection of the dentition and occlusion. Bimanual closed reduction of the fracture segments is carried out, the occlu¬ sion rechecked, and the decision made on any erupted or unerupted teeth in the fracture line. If extraction is decided on, this is carried out followed by a careful closure of the wound with a gingival advancement flap, usually from the buccal aspect. Both upper and lower teeth are brushed and the mouth copiously irrigated with bacitracin solution before being wired into occlusion by Ernst ligatures.Through an incision two-finger breadths beneath and parallel to the angle of the mandible, the masseter muscle overlaying this region is exposed, taking care not to injure the mandible branch of the facial nerve by isolating it in the upper flap. The masseter muscle is incised along its lower lateral margin and the fracture exposed in the subp...