The provision of education to children is a human right that most countries including Namibia are trying to achieve. Hence, through educational inclusion, educators strive for removal of barriers within education systems for all children to learn. The purpose of this study was to explore how the Namibian inclusive education (IE) policy responds to gender non‐conforming learners. Drawing upon the Social Identity Perspective (SIP) and interviews with four education officers and employing a transformative case study, this study revealed that the Namibian IE policy does not clearly pronounce itself on inclusion of gender non‐conforming learners. The study further discovered culture, religious beliefs, lack of training and lack of information on gender non‐conformity as factors preventing teachers to interpret the IE policy statement in relation to gender non‐conformity. The study recommends for the IE policy to have a clear statement and guidelines on handling of gender non‐conformity issues in schools. The study further recommends for the programmes for in‐service teacher training to integrate the content on sexuality and gender diversity. Moreover, through in‐service teacher training, education officers should provide correct information on gender non‐conformity to curb the discrimination towards gender non‐conforming learners within the school communities.