Purpose: To summarize the main findings from research on structured abstracts. Methods: A narrative review of all the relevant papers known to the author was conducted. Results: Authors and readers judged the structured abstracts to be more useful than traditional ones. In 1987 the Ad Hoc Working Group for Critical Appraisal of the Medical Literature proposed guidelines for informative seven-headings abstracts. In 1990 Haynes et al. reconsidered the structured abstract of clinical research and review articles and proposed revised guidelines. Nowadays, most abstracts are informative, and the most commonly used structure is IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results And Discussion) format. Conclusions: There are many variations in the structured-abstract formats prescribed by different journals. But even in recent years, not all abstracts of original articles are structured. More research is needed on a number of questions related to the quality and utility of structured abstracts. Key words: Abstracting and indexing. Review literature. Peer review RESUMO Objetivo: Sintetizar os principais resultados das pesquisas sobre resumos estruturados.. Métodos: Uma revisão narrativa de todos os estudos, considerados relevantes pelo autor, foi realizada. Resultados: Os autores e os leitores julgaram que os resumos estruturados são mais úteis que os tradicionais. Em 1987, o Ad Hoc Working Group for Critical Appraisal of the Medical Literature propôs diretrizes para a elaboração de resumos informativos com sete seções. Haynes e col., em 1990, reestudaram os resumos estruturados para a pesquisa clínica e para os artigos de revisão e propuseram novas diretrizes. Atualmente, a maioria dos resumos é informativa e a estrutura mais utilizada é aquela do formato IMRAD (Introdução, Métodos, Resultados e Discussão) Conclusão: Há muita variação nos formatos dos resumos estruturados solicitados pelo vários periódicos. Contudo, mesmo nos anos mais recentes, nem todos os resumos dos artigos originais são estruturados. Necessita-se de mais pesquisas relacionadas à qualidade e à utilidade dos resumos estruturados. Descritores: Resumos e indexação. Literatura de revisão. Comissão de avaliação de exercício profissional
Types of abstractsSince its origin in 1665, the scientific paper has been through many changes, but method description only developed during the second half of the 19th century. In the course of the 20th century, the formal established Introduction, Methods, Results, And Discussion (IMRAD) structure was adopted. 1 The proposed structured abstract, that is, abstract that describe a study using content headings, provided more informative content. Except for the title, the abstract is the part of a scientific paper that will be read by the most people. 2 The basic purpose of abstracts is to summarize the contents of articles so that readers can decide whether to read them. It is the only part of an article that many journals will make accessible through search engines. 3 Indicative or descriptive abstracts deal with the content...