HYPERTHERM TREATMENT OF NEUROSYPHILIS n r e t h d s of evaluation and prognosticallyimp o r f a n t f n c t o rs .After h'eftering's hypertherrn on Rocrs' initiative begtin to he used in Dcninark in 1942, an aniiiiated discussion arose as to the question whether it was justifiable to give up malarial treatment of neurosyphilis. The efficiency of the latter Iiad long been established, from Danish quarters amongst other4 hy 1,ornZrolt ( 1944) and MntJsen ( 1919) : hut M hen the provisional results of hypertherm treatment were submitted by 13ocr.s 20 patients have a s first treatment been given penicillin only and 1 7 patients hare during the whole period of observation h a d no other treatment. These materials a r e part]?: too s m a l l f o r intlepentlent investigation, partll-too selected, a s the indication for isolated treatment w i t h penicillin has a t our clinic m a i n l y heen a counter-iniiication f o r h y p e r t h e r m treatment. Therefore they a r e left o u t of t h e comparative investigations of t h e effect of thc treatment: b u t a r e inclnded i n the analysis of t h e prognosis. of which a n account will b e given a t t h e end of this article.In n preliminary investigation the result\ furthermore proved to be the s ain e whet her 1) enici 1 I in \v a s a d m in i s t e re tl sim u 1 tan eou s I y or a 1 ternatcly with hypertherm treatment, and all the patient\ \\ iio have under-