This study evaluated the effects of chronic treatment with cabergoline (CAB), a new, potent and longlasting ergoline-derived dopamine agonist, on seminal¯uid parameters and sexual and gonadal function in hyperprolactinemic males in comparison with the effect of bromocriptine (BRC) treatment.Seventeen males with macroprolactinoma were treated with CAB at a dose of 0.5±1.5 mg/week (n 7), or BRC at a dose of 5±15 mg/day (n 10) for 6 months. Baseline prolactin (PRL) was 925.7 6 522.6 mg/l in the CAB-treated group and 1059.4 6 297.6 mg/l in the BRC-treated group. All the patients suffered from libido impairment, ten from reduced sexual potency, and six had infertility. In ®ve patients provocative bilateral galactorrhea was found.Seminal¯uid analysis, functional seminal tests and penis rigidity and tumescence, measured by nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) using Rigiscan equipment, were assessed before and after 1, 3 and 6 months of CAB or BRC treatment. Hormone pro®les were assessed before and after 15, 30, 60, 90 and 180 days of both treatments.Before treatment, all patients had a low sperm count with oligoasthenospermia, reduced motility and rapid progression with an abnormal morphology and decreased viability, and a low number of erections. After 1 month, serum PRL levels were signi®cantly reduced in both groups of patients (20.6 6 6.6 mg/l during CAB and 256.3 6 115