The paper examines the features of the biological purification process in the “aeration tank-mixer – secondary settling tank” system. Factors influencing the course of processes were determined, and an experimental study of this process was carried out. After processing the results, models are proposed that describe the course of the activated sludge regeneration process and directly the process of biological wastewater treatment.
The results of the calculation were analyzed, the mutual influence of individual factors on the course of the biological purification process was investigated and analyzed. The models obtained in the work allow, without conducting additional experiments, to study the process of regeneration of activated sludge depending on the concentration of sludge and its consumption, as well as to study the process of wastewater treatment taking into account its characteristics (costs, concentrations of pollutants), the dose of sludge coming from the regenerator, concentrations dissolved oxygen.
It is advisable to use the proposed models for the analysis of the process of biological wastewater treatment in the system “aeration tank-mixer – secondary settling tank” and for quick response to changes occurring in the treatment process. This will prevent insufficiently treated wastewater from entering the reservoir and reduce its negative impact on the environment.