Context.—Data on high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) DNA test results in vaginal, liquid-based cytology (LBC) specimens and corresponding cytologic and histopathologic correlation data are limited.
Objective.—To analyze follow-up correlation data associated with vaginal (after hysterectomy) low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) LBC and hrHPV test results.
Design.—Hospital records were searched for vaginal LSIL LBC and hrHPV results between July 1, 2005, and July 30, 2009. Histopathologic and Papanicolaou test follow-up correlation data were analyzed.
Results.—During the study period, 2892 patients with test results from both posthysterectomy vaginal LBC and hrHPV were identified: 148 (5.1%) of the patients had vaginal Papanicolaou test results reported as LSIL, with hrHPV detected in 113 of the 148 patients (76.4%). Of 148 patients, 59 of those with vaginal LSIL including 48 (81.4%) with positive HPV testing and 11 (18.6%) with negative HPV testing results had a follow-up vaginal biopsy. Histopathologic vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN) 2/3 was diagnosed in 7 of 59 patients (11.9%) with biopsies. In all 7 patients who were diagnosed with VAIN 2/3, hrHPV was detected in the LBC vial. No VAIN 2/3 diagnoses were documented in the biopsy specimens from the 11 patients with hrHPV− LSIL Papanicolaou test results. Histopathologic VAIN 2/3 was diagnosed from vaginal biopsies in 7 of the 48 patients (14.6%) with vaginal hrHPV+ LSIL test results.
Conclusions.—Sensitivity and specificity of hrHPV test results associated with histopathologic follow-up diagnoses of VAIN 2/3 in patients with vaginal LSIL results were 100% and 21.2%, respectively. The positive predictive value of a vaginal hrHPV+ LSIL result for a subsequent histopathologic VAIN 2/3 diagnosis was 14.6%. No cases of VAIN 2/3 were diagnosed in the 11 patients with vaginal hrHPV− LSIL results. Correlations of vaginal cytologic, histopathologic, and human papillomavirus findings were quite similar to correlation findings previously reported in older women with cervical LSIL test results.