Objectives-This study examined whether opioid and cocaine dependent pregnant women with psychiatric comorbidity were at elevated risk for infectious disease by virtue of recent sex trade and injection drug use that overlapped with pregnancy. We hypothesized that opioid and cocaine dependent women with psychiatric comorbidity would have greater odds for engaging in recent sex trade and injection drug use.Methods-Eighty-one, HIV-seronegative pregnant women (59.3% African-American, 37% white, and 3.7% other) who were enrolled in drug treatment in Baltimore, Maryland were recruited into an HIV prevention intervention study, provided informed consent, and attended an in-person, baseline assessment administered by trained clinicians. Assessments included the The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders, the HIV Risk Behavior Interview, and a demographic questionnaire. The majority of women had lifetime histories of opioid and/or cocaine dependence (93.8%) and those with an additional lifetime non-substance-related Axis I disorder comprised the psychiatric comorbidity group.Results-Thirty-percent reported recent sex trade and/or injection drug use that overlapped with pregnancy. While psychiatric comorbidity was associated with 6 times the odds of opioid and cocaine dependent pregnant women having recently traded sex it was not associated with recent injection drug use.Conclusions-Findings underscore the need to (1) treat comorbid psychiatric disorders among pregnant women in treatment for cocaine and opioid dependence and (2) integrate HIV prevention interventions into drug dependence treatment for pregnant women, particularly those with psychiatric comorbidity given their elevated risk for infectious disease.