Background: Finding ideal bone tunnel location is key to reconstruction of the coracoclavicular (CC) ligament, which has become a fundamental surgical method for acromioclavicular (AC) joint dislocation. The study aims to explore virtual model vs. real model of accurate bone tunnel location in coracoclavicular (CC) ligament reconstruction based on 3-dimensional (3D) navigation module printing technology.Methods: Eighty human shoulders including clavicle and scapula were scanned by dual-source computed tomography (CT). CT scans of shoulder joints including clavicle and scapula were imported, the acromioclavicular joints were repositioned to form a whole model, and find the best bone tunnel through digital optimization design by Mimics 19.0 software. In Geomagic Studio software, forming the clavicle navigation module, which was generated for 3D printing. Then 10 parameters of a real bone tunnel and virtual bone tunnel can be measured and compared.Results: Eighty human shoulders including clavicle and scapula were designed and printed successfully. Then 10 parameters of the real and virtual bone tunnels were recorded and compared. No difference was significantly found between the real and virtual bone tunnels in 10 measurements (p>0.05).Conclusions: The accuracy of bone tunnel location for CC reconstruction in adult shoulders based on 3D printing navigation module technology is reliable.