Major depression is believed to be a multifactorial disorder involving predisposing temperament and personality traits, exposure to traumatic and stressful life events, and biological susceptibility. Depression, both unipolar and bipolar, is a "phasic" disease. Stressful life events are known to trigger depressive episodes, while their influence seems to decrease over the course of the illness. This suggests that depression is associated with progressive stress response abnormalities, possibly linked to impairments of structural plasticity and cellular resilience. It therefore appears crucial to adequately treat depression in the early stages of the illness, in order to prevent morphological and functional abnormalities. While evidence suggests that a severely depressed patient needs antidepressant drug therapy and that a non-severely depressed patient may benefit from other approaches (ie, "nonbiological"), little research has been done on the effectiveness of different treatments for depression. The assertion that the clinical efficacy of antidepressants is comparable between the classes and within the classes of those medications may be true from a statistical viewpoint, but is of limited value in practice. The antidepressant drugs may produce differences in therapeutic response and tolerability. Among the possible predictors of outcome in depression treatment, those derived from clinical assessment, neuroendocrine investigations, polysomnographic sleep parameters, genetic variables, and brain imaging techniques have been extensively studied. This article also reviews therapeutic strategies used when initial treatment fails, and describes briefly new concepts in antidepressant therapies such as the regulation of disturbances in circadian rhythms. The treatment of depressive illness does not stop with treatment of acute episodes, and has to be envisaged as a continuous therapeutic intervention, of which we are still not able to determine the optimal duration of treatment and the moment that it should be ceased.