Rudolf de Boer (Gouda, 1972) is member of the Board of the HFA of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) since 2014. Rudolf has helped to drive activities within the HFA and in the ESC. He considers himself a translational researcher, with interest in basic aspects of disease. But first and for all, Rudolf is a physician caring for patients with heart failure.
Rudolf's backgroundRudolf is a professor of Translational Cardiology at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and since 2013 Director of the Division of Experimental Cardiology. He studied Medicine at the University of Groningen. After his studies he spent a year in the Artificial Research Laboratory at the University of Utah. Dr. Willem Kolff, a pioneer in artificial organs and the inventor of haemodialysis 1 moved to the USA in the early '50s, but always welcomed students from his Alma Mater, and that is how Rudolf ended up there as an undergraduate student. It was his first encounter with biomedical science and it immediately became clear he wished to endeavour a scientific career. He moved back to Holland and did his PhD in the field of heart failure and angiogenesis. After training as Clinical Fellow at the University of Groningen, he became Consultant and Lecturer in Cardiology, and was Associate Professor in the Department of Cardiology from 2008 to 2010, promoted to Associate and finally to Full Professor in 2013.Professor de Boer is Fellow of the ESC and of the HFA. He has been chair of the Dutch Working Group of Heart Failure (2013. Rudolf has longstanding experience in working with the Dutch Heart Foundation, having received several grants, and having contributed as a reviewer to several programmes. Furthermore, de Boer has been recipient of grants of the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme programme of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.