Abstract.We report on two quantitative, morphological estimators of the filamentary structure of the Cosmic Web, the socalled global and local skeletons. The first, based on a global study of the matter density gradient flow, allows us to study the connectivity between a density peak and its surroundings, with direct relevance to the anisotropic accretion via cold flows on galactic halos. From the second, based on a local constraint equation involving the derivatives of the field, we can derive predictions for powerful statistics, such as the differential length and the relative saddle to extrema counts of the Cosmic web as a function of density threshold (with application to percolation of structures and connectivity), as well as a theoretical framework to study their cosmic evolution through the onset of gravity-induced non-linearities.Keywords: cosmology, larges scales structures, topology PACS: 95.35.+d, Over the course of the last decades, our understanding of the extragalactic universe has undergone a paradigm shift: the description of its structures has evolved from being (mostly) isolated to being multiply connected both on large scales, cluster scales and galactic scales. This interplay between large and small scales is driven in part by the scale invariance of gravity which tends to couple dynamically different processes, but also by a the strong theoretical prejudice associated with the so-called concordant cosmological model [1]. This model predicts a certain shape for the initial conditions, leading to a hierarchical formation scenario, which predicts the formation of the so-called Cosmic Web, the most striking feature of matter distribution on megaparsecs scales in the Universe. This distribution was confirmed, observationally, more than twenty years ago by the first CfA catalog [2], and later by the SDSS [3] and 2dFGRS [4] catalogs. On these scales, the "Cosmic Web" picture [5] relates the observed clusters of galaxies, and filaments that link them, to the geometrical properties of the initial density field that are enhanced but not yet destroyed by the still mildly non-linear evolution [6]. The analysis of the connectivity of this filamentary structure is critical to map the very large scale distribution of our universe to establish, in particular, the percolation properties of the Web [8].On intermediate scales, the paradigm shift is sustained by panchromatic observations of the environment of galaxies which illustrate sometimes spectacular merging processes, following the pioneer work of e.g. [9] (motivated by theoretical investigations such as [10]). The importance of anisotropic accretion on cluster and dark matter halo scales [11,12,13] is now believed to play a crucial role in regulating the shape and spectroscopic properties of galaxies. Indeed it has been claimed (see e.g. [14,15]) that the geometry of the cosmic inflow on a galaxy (its mass, temperature and entropy distribution, the connectivity of the local filaments network, etc.) is strongly correlated to its history and nature. Speci...