District Heatings have become an undeniable bet for all those cities that wish to reduce their CO2 emissions, due to the possibility of replacing fossil fuels with renewable energies such as biomass. At the end of 2015, the University of Valladolid inaugurated a heating network to satisfiy to the thermal demand of 27 buildings, 23 of which belong to the University, distributed between two university campus: Miguel Delibes and Esgueva. In 2019, the Clinical Hospital was connected and in the near future, three other UVA buildings will be connected: Conde Ansúrez Conference Center, Reina Sofía Library and Student House, then infrastructure will provide service to 31 public buildings.This thesis analyzes the energy efficiency achieved in each of the UVA buildings connected to the grid and quantifies avoided CO2 emissions, given that one of the objectives of the project was to obtain an annual heating savings of at least 15%. The present thesis verifies the degree of achievement of such objective, obtaining the mathematical models that represent the multivariable interaction between consumption tendency and climatic conditions, with a high coefficient of determination. In order to make this possible, option C of the EVO methodology, based on the processing and treatment of global consumption, was followed. Data had been collected for two years before the implementation of the project and for three years after heating network, of the 23 UVA buildings, which were connected to the network. These data have been processed statistically with SPPS software.