Taking into account all existing opinions on food security and generally agreeing with them, in our work we are faced with the task of defining directions for the development of agricultural production in one of the 85 regions of the Russian Federation-in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the key directions for the development of the agricultural sector, taking into account the situation of Covid for the period up to 2030. Agriculture of the Republic of Bashkortostan is one of the leading in the Russian Federation with 3.4%. For the main types of food: milk, meat, potatoes, vegetable oil and sugar, the region is completely independent. Despite the situation with Covid, in 2020 the region increased its agricultural production by 5%. the average monthly wage of agricultural producers is about 30% less than the wages of workers in processing industries.In turn, the level of remuneration of workers in the agricultural sector is on average 56-58% of the average for the region, in food processing industries -about 79%. It is quite obvious that an insufficiently high level of attractiveness of work in the agro-industrial complex leads to an outflow of qualified personnel to other industries. But to 2025-2030 the Republic of Bashkortostan needs an increase in the production of vegetables -not less than 30%, fish -77%, fruits, berries -in 3-4 times.